Sunday, May 31, 2020


Mary Catherine Moyer was my paternal grandmother, and she lived to be over 100 years old. I called her Grandma Moyer. Although she was not the cuddly kind of grandma, she gave me one of the best gifts I received during my young years. She taught me how to love Nature.

Grandma and Grandpa Bob Moyer lived in a small house tucked away in the woods of Butler, Pennsylvania. The drive from my family home to theirs took two hours, and I think we visited about once a month. This was a second marriage for both of my grandparents, and my grandpa was my father's step-dad. I sensed there were some hard feelings between my mother and my grandmother, but they never seemed to interfere with our visits. That mystery died along with those who held those grudges, so maybe it is better left unsaid. Although it sure hasn't satisfied my curiosity.

As I remember their home, it was a work in progress that had halted at some point. They lived in the basement while the upstairs sat vacant, waiting to be remodeled. What that meant for us was that we entered the home and immediately skipped down a long set of steps that led right into their living room. I guess they knew about the "open concept" long before it was a thing. The kitchen counter, sink, stove, and refrigerator all ran along one wall. I recall a dark pantry right in that area. The dining and living areas were all right there, too. I remember one bedroom, but maybe there were two. And a tiny bathroom.

When I think of being there, an overpowering smell of well water permeates my memory. I also remember the distinct cat-smell of Tinkerbell, who was pure white with pink eyes and wanted nothing to do with me no matter how hard I tried. 

My Grandpa Bob did most of the cooking. He was a short, gnarly man with greasy black and gray hair on a balding head, a cigarette habitually stuck between his lips and an apron around his neck and tied in the back. I knew the smell of booze from an early age and throughout my life have associated that musty odor with the comforts of spending time with him. While I never felt a particularly close relationship with my Grandpa Bob, I loved being there with both of them, enjoying their rustic lifestyle.

Heartfelt factoid: 
The day my Grandpa Bob died 
was the same day I learned I was pregnant with Thirdborn ❤️
Circle of Life

My Grandpa Bob with my parents.

The one thing my Grandma Moyer made that I couldn't get enough of were taco shells. She had the patience of a saint as she stood over that cast-iron skillet with oil sputtering everywhere as she held the taco shell bent into shape while it was fried. They were perfect, and I think I loved tacos because of what she did with those shells.

I had three California cousins who visited our grandparents every summer. The older two and I hung out while the third cousin played with my younger brother and sister. I remember Kim as beautiful and so girly. Being the tomboy, I had more fun exploring the woods with my boy cousin, Kip. Sometimes Grandma would give all of us tinfoil pie plates so we could pan for gold in the stream that ran behind the house. All these years later, I still have a little movie that plays through my memory. I see six little barefoot kids, pants cuffs turned up a couple times, precariously balancing on helmet-sized rocks in the ice-cold stream, dipping our pie plates into the water and then shaking them, looking for the gold to appear.

On the left: my brother, Scott; cousins Wendy, Kim, Kip; me with the dog; and my sister, Pam.

My grandma loved rock gardens. After driving through woods lined with tall trees, on the pathway to their house, I learned to always glance to the left at the vast areas dotted with rocks with blooming flowers, moss, and ferns everywhere. After saying our hellos, my grandma would walk me out to her rock gardens and show me everything she had going on. I don't think I ever learned the names of any of it, so I doubt she knew them either, but boy did she have an eye for design.

Around 1963
Around 1963

Maybe the best part of all was the summerhouse. Really, I think it was merely a wooden structure with one room and a "front porch."  I remember a few times my grandmother allowed me to spend the night out in the summerhouse. I'll bet those were nights she didn't get much sleep, but I never thought of that then. Those experiences that left me feeling grownup, independent, and countrified were one of the highlights of each summer.

I felt like I was camping when I spent time out there. I'd sit in a chair on the front porch and just survey the woods, mesmerized by all my eyes and ears could take in. It seemed that the world faded away when I was in the summerhouse, and I was suddenly in precisely the right place at the right time. That feeling is as close to Peace as I think I've ever gotten. For years as a grownup, when I camped, I had that same feeling. Today, being outside, whether at the beach or hiking deep in a preserve, or at the #StrineBackYard, that same Peacefulness gently enfolds me into its safe cocoon, allowing me a short reprieve from real life.

I'm glad for the opportunity here to write down some of the Grandma & Grandpa Moyer memories. I owe them much. They were the family who taught me about Nature, and I am grateful to them for that gift. Someday, I hope I can continue that tradition with my own grandchildren. 

Thank you, Mary Catherine Moyer
My Grandma ❤️

Monday, May 25, 2020


First moments of the May 24, 2020, Daybreak

Happy Memorial Day

Today is the second day of continual rainfall, and that is all good. I feel sorry that it is probably ruining family gathering plans, but our earth really needs a good soaking.

Before the rain started yesterday I noticed the eastern sky starting to light up. The view through the lens was spectacular!

After a couple of quick shots I turned around. Filling the western sky was a magnormous rainbow! The colors in the rainbow were quickly fading but the sky was still awash with blues and pinks. The entire experience lasted maybe two minutes. Hubs and I stood there, in awe. Isn't this Universe something else?

No filtering, but you know that already, right? 
This coloring job is entirely Mother Nature's!

Let's take time today 
to remember those 
who didn't make it home from their service.

Memorial Day 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


This is South Florida's Rainy Season.  

I love it - there is rain nearly every afternoon (woohoo, less time for me to spend watering the garden since Nature takes over for a while!). 

However -

Rain + BackYard = MUD
Mud + TWO DOGS = A Mess!

Our new couch was delivered this past week. I put the dogs out back so the delivery guys didn't have to worry about the Doberman eating them. 

After they left I just stood there a few minutes admiring the new piece of furniture and thinking about what a great choice we made with the style and fabric. As I was patting myself on the back I opened the back door and in rushed two very excited, wound-up canines who promptly jumped on that beautiful couch with all four feet. 

4 x 2 = 8 Very Muddy Pawprints


Yes, I yelled. The dogs ran for cover in their kennels and I cleaned that fabric within the first 10 minutes of the couch's life with the Strine's. 

Note: LazyBoy was right- this fabric is amazing and cleans right up!

So then I covered the couch with blankets and that made me feel sad. OK, angry. We could have picked up an old couch at the thrift store and thrown blankets on it for the same effect. Why can't we teach these guys to stay off the couch? 

"Yes, let's do that," agreed with no Doberman Dad ever.

But something magical happened. Hubs showed me a Facebook video that involved teaching a cat to stay off the counter by laying down a long section of aluminum foil. 


All I can tell you is that it works! 
Now no one - 
not human or canine -
sits on that brand new couch.
Foiled Again!

Fast track a couple weeks and we are all enjoying this couch. 
Together ☮️
What's the use of having something if you can't use it? 


Do You Ever Crave Salty Crunch?

Man, I do sometimes. All I can think of is that the big bag of Doritos the Hubs has hidden in the pantry. But from experience, I know how crappy I feel after I dig into those. Know what I'm talking about?

As an alternative, I try to keep fresh vegetables cut up in this 

As long as they already prepped and I have a shaker of salt handy, 

I'll choose this every time over the chips.

Left to right: Celery, Radishes,

Left to Right: Celery, Radishes, Green Peppers, Cucumbers, Carrots, Cauliflower


Crazy Tomato!

This guy grew around its cage.  I'm not sure how I feel about this variety of tomato. With the exception of one, so far every tomato has had deep brown gullies, cracks, and bad spots. 

This could be the fault of the gardener, of course. 

The taste is good but not the best of the best. I've spent more time coddling this one than the others. It bears a fair amount of fruit and we've been able to salvage some good parts of every tomato so I can't be too critical. 

I might not plant it again though, so let's just enjoy this:

Sunday, May 17, 2020


Today marks Firstborn's 36th birthday. He and his wife became parents to boy/girl twins six months ago. 

I loved that this morning's fog gave me a unique view of the sun. Actually, I was sitting in the hot tub when I noticed it so I jumped out real fast and ran into the house soaking wet to get my camera. I shared these photos with Firstborn in the Happy Birthday text at the beginning of his special day. Isn't life just breathtaking sometimes?


We moved to South Florida in May of 2005

After a lifetime of heavy sweaters, coats, boots, gloves, scarves, dead car batteries, stuck in the snowbank-call the tow truck, with very few days of sunshine, we packed it up and moved to where the climate suits our clothes. 

Happy 15th Relocation Anniversary to us!

"Us" includes my Hubs, Mike. He is a Deputy at the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. He's one of the good guys, and I'm so proud of him. 👮‍♂️💕

In 2016 I incorporated my own business called All Things Administrative. 

Take a peek: Cathy's Business Website

So I work from my home office and get to spend lots of time out in the backyard where all sorts of fun and weird things happen. 

I'll show you around #StrineBackYard right now!

Looking out across the pool, facing North. Notice the gentleman sunbather in the pool.

For best viewing, right-click on a picture
and select "Open link in another window" 

Looking easterly toward the canal.

Wildlife in the canal is a whole world unto itself.
Stop back for those picture stories!

This potato plant is a few days away from harvest.

This was a beautifully blooming Hibiscus plant when I brought it home from Lowes.
The Doberman tells me Hibiscus is a delicious snack.

We like to sit out here on the patio and do nothing.

Have you ever smelled Night Jasmine? You need to!
But you have to be quick- it only blooms with aroma at night.

Baby Lemons

Brussels Sprouts

I love homegrown tomatoes more than anything.

I love radishes right from the Earth, too.
Well, I do rinse them off first.

The vertical pole is all flowers and strawberry plants.
The raised beds are full of tomatoes, peppers, swiss chard, pole beans, cucumbers, and onions.

Remember the "down & dirty" I promised? Right there- that trash can 🤣
Otherwise, this is a nice shot of the tomatoes lined up against the fence.

Just put this guy in a week ago.

This is Aloha, aka Plumeria. They make Hawaiian Leis from this flower.

Corn growing in burlap bags.
Have you ever done this?
Our first year trying it.

Green Pepper. It looks like the leaves are getting snacked on.

Jalapenos! Some like it HOT! 
I don't, Hubs does.
So I keep containers of raw and roasted Jalapenos for him.
They freeze well, too.

Very last tomato on this vine- the runt.
This plant was the first to feed us this year, and it is nearly ready to retire at the Compost Pile.

Dwarf Lockspur, with Plumeria in the background.

Hubs just built these new beds, and they are fantastic.
With the heat of the season upon us, I might wait until Fall or Winter to plant these.

Bloom of a pepper plant.

Blooms of the Night Jasmine.
We moved it (all 150# of it) to a spot right outside the backdoor.
If you ever see me standing there sniffing, now you know why.

Pole Beans.
Had the first harvest last night.
Steamed them a bit with butter and 3 cloves of minced garlic.

This guy and his partner oversee the pool area.

Potato Plants and Lavendar.

Red Pepper

Swiss Chard.
I like to add it to tossed salads or add to stir fry like you would with spinach.

This is a baby Navel Orange.

Looking out from the back door at #StrineBackYard

Yard Deco